Ile Saint-Louis

rue de paris hotel jardin de cluny
What to see
Map marker icon paris hotel jardin de cluny
Île Saint-Louis, 75004 Paris
Yellow calendar icon Jardin de cluny
All year round

About us

Cross the bridges and visit this small island to discover the architecture of its many private mansions cradled by the Seine.
Stop for an ice cream at the Berthillon ice cream parlour, whose sorbets are reputed to be the best in Paris. It is located at 29 Rue Saint-Louis en l'Île.


RER icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

RER B St Michel-Notre-Dame, exit 2 (boulevard Saint-Germain / Musée du Moyen Age)
RER C St Michel-Notre-Dame, exit place Saint-Michel

Metro icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

METRO Line 7 Pont Marie

Bus icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

BUS Lines 67 - 86 - 87

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