Luxembourg Garden

city of paris, paris hotel jardin de cluny
What to see
Map marker icon paris hotel jardin de cluny
Jardin du Luxembourg, 75006 Paris
Yellow calendar icon Jardin de cluny
All year round

About us

One of the most beautiful gardens in Paris, not to be missed, there is a French part in the axis of the palace and another English part in the western part. After visiting the local bookshops, enter the garden to read in the sun on one of the chairs provided or in one of the two restaurants in the garden. Adjacent to the Senate, the orangery regularly hosts exhibitions.


Opening hours are between 7.30 and 8.15 am and closing hours are between 4.30 and 9.30 pm, depending on the season.


RER icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

RER B Luxembourg

Metro icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

METRO Line 4 - 10 Odéon

Bus icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

BUS Lines 21 - 27 - 38 - 58 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 89

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