Notre-Dame de Paris

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What to see
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6 Parvis de Notre Dame, 75004 Paris
Yellow calendar icon Jardin de cluny
Closed since 15 April 2019

About us

Along with the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris is probably the most famous Parisian monument. So much so that we think we already know everything about this almost thousand-year-old cathedral. However, since the first one was built in 1163, Notre Dame has had several lives. A technical feat, its construction took almost two centuries to complete in 1351, while its stained glass windows and sculptures are a veritable open book, specifically designed to evangelise and impress the then largely illiterate population of Paris. A real picture in relief, one must imagine the Last Judgement on the central portal, already impressive today, as it was then in all its polychrome. Indeed, restored in the 19th century by Viollet-le-Duc, after having been ransacked during the Revolution, Notre Dame has regained its superb appearance but has lost much of its colour.

The "secret spot" for contemplating Notre Dame: Square Jean XXIII
While everyone is crowding the forecourt of Notre Dame, don't hesitate to move away from the horde of tourists to Square Jean XIII, located just behind the cathedral. Here you can admire the buttresses and stained glass windows of the nave of Notre Dame in the most peaceful of surroundings. You can even enjoy one of the best ice creams in Paris(Bertillon is only a 5 minute walk away).


Closed from 15 April 2019 until restoration work is completed


RER icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

RER B St Michel-Notre-Dame, exit 2 (boulevard Saint-Germain / Musée du Moyen Age)
RER C St Michel-Notre-Dame, exit place Saint-Michel

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METRO Line 10 Maubert-Mutualité

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BUS Lines 63, 86, 87

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