Place Dauphine

street with people paris hotel garden of cluny
What to see
Map marker icon paris hotel jardin de cluny
Place Dauphine, 75001 Paris
Yellow calendar icon Jardin de cluny
All year round

About us

The second of the five royal squares in the capital, it was named in honour of the son of Henri IV, the future king Louis XIII, when he was "dauphin of France". Sheltered from the glare of modern life, its almost provincial tranquillity and the regularity of its architectural lines give it a charm and harmony that invite you to rest for a few minutes or hours. As in Woody Allen's film "Midnight in Paris", the Place Dauphine simply seems to have the gift of suspending time.


RER icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

RER A - B - D Châtelet-Les-Halles

Metro icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

METRO Line 7 Pont Neuf
METRO Line 1 Louvre-Rivoli

Bus icon paris hotel jardin de cluny

BUS Lines 21 - 27 - 58 - 67 - 69 - 70 - 72 - 74 - 75 - 76 - 85

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